Since I was in Bible College I’ve heard students, teachers, and future Pastors debate the issue of what’s the best way to teach for life change. Those in the Expositional camp site Paul’s exhortation to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20 as the proof text for straight “through the Bible” teaching: “Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God.” (Acts 20:26-27) The topical camp looks at the fact that Jesus Himself never taught through a book of … Read More
“Can You Teach Through the Bible and Reach the Unchurched?”
“Bob, can you talk about how you teach through the Bible and still reach unchurched people?” I get this question pretty regularly. The reason is, many guys who teach the Bible verse by verse aren’t interested in reaching people far from God. On the other hand, a majority of the Pastors who take evangelism primarily teach topically and believe this is the best way to reach unchurched people. This question hits on 2 things that are very important to me: 1. Preaching verse by verse through the Bible 2. Reaching people far from God By answering this question I have … Read More
Orphan Annie’s Outreach Strategy
I once attended a Middle School production of “Annie.” My nephew was starring in the play, so our whole family was there. We take our kids to professional productions a couple of times a year and usually they are lots of fun and the quality is top notch. While my nephew did a great job acting, something really drove me crazy about this presentation… They couldn’t get the set changes to happen in an orderly fashion, so all of the breaks in the story were longer than the stories themselves. It was a 2 hour show that should have taken … Read More
95% of Pastors Don’t Count this (and it’s Killing their Growth)
Most leaders know some of the numbers – i.e. attendance, how many got saved on Sunday, the offering, etc… But what we can forget as leaders is the relationship that all of these numbers have to each other. Here’s what I mean: How many first time guests did you have on Sunday? That number speaks to your outreach. Let’s say you had 10 second time guests this past Sunday; those who come back speak to your assimilation rate. How many of those guests actually stick at your church? That speaks to the strength of your discipleship systems, teaching, and membership … Read More
A Stewardship Lesson from a Used Car Salesman
There’s this used car salesman that I know. Actually he runs an entire dealership, but I sold him my old car last year. As we were talking, the topic of tax returns came up. He said, “Bob, we are devoting all of our ads to encourage people to spend their tax refunds on a new car. We give them a vision for their money. That unexpected money could be used to get the car they’ve always wanted.” He went on and said, “You need to do the same. At Calvary, you need to give people a vision for that money … Read More
4.5 Ways To Make Mother’s Day Huge
I’ve been telling people forever that Mother’s Day can a huge day for your church if you promote it correctly. Mother’s Day has historically been our 2nd highest attended Sunday of the year (2nd only to Easter) I hear from Pastors all the time who are asking what they can do to make Mother’s Day big. So I complied 4.5 simple things we do that you can easily implement at your church. #1 – Invite everyone who came on Easter to Mother’s Day We write a letter to everyone who attended on Easter to attend on Mother’s Day. It sounds … Read More
Sunday Stuff (Week After Easter Edition)
Here’s my week in review post (and a recap of Sunday)… – Solid Sunday at Calvary. – Lots of new faces and lots of people making decisions today during the invitation. – I’m loving this “Faith, Hope, and Love” series that we’re in. When you teach on love, you’ll never run out of material. – I’ll be teaching this series until we move into our building. – Speaking of our building, the May 3rd Grand Opening isn’t happening. It’s going to happen sometime in May, but the 1st week won’t be it. – One of the biggest challenges for me … Read More
What About After Easter?
This past weekend we had record attendance and decisions at Calvary on Easter weekend. Close to 3,500 in attendance and 278 people making a decision to follow Jesus. It was a weekend I’ll never forget. But every Pastor has this lingering thought in the back of his mind: what about the week after Easter and the week after that. Many churches will go back to being stuck in the mud. There’s several things that churches need to do to keep growing after Easter. Here’s 5 that you can start doing today… #1 Keep growing yourself – growing churches are led … Read More
Post Easter Follow Up
When each of my 3 kids were born, I was frantically making sure our home was ready for their arrival. I was painting rooms in the middle of the night.I had carpenters installing shelving and rails on the walls.We had furniture picked out and assembled just for them. It’s what every dad expecting a child does to get ready. But imagine another scenario with me. It sounds almost unbelievable, but it’s true all too often. A couple knows a baby is coming and they do nothing to prepare for his or her arrival. In fact, they’re a little caught off … Read More
Sunday Stuff (Easter Edition)
For many reasons, this is a week that I will never forget. I’ll try to give a few of the highlights… – Legendary Easter weekend at Calvary! – It started with a Good Friday services that was probably my favorite service of the year. – I typically teach one of the seven statement from the cross on Good Friday. This year was no exception. I taught, “I thirst” from John 19. So powerful. Very moving. It was amazing to be many people respond to the invitation and come to know Jesus as Savior. – Our Easter services were incredible. I … Read More
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