I get questions about reading fairly often from people at church and Pastors, so let answer some of them here. First, let me say that I was not born a bookworm. In fact, before becoming a Christ-follower the only book I had ever read completely was a biography on the life of Madonna (who would lie about something so pathetic?). But when God changed my life, I got a thirst for knowledge and books were the best way to quench it, so I started reading. So every year, I set a reading goal as part of my personal development. (I’m … Read More
Book Review: In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day
Mark Batterson was kind enough to send me a copy of his book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day and after reading it I am truly grateful for his generosity. His book is insightful, inspiring, witty, and fun to read. His exposition of an obscure passage brings a man we know very little about into homes and most importantly, into our hearts. Having spent a little bit of a time with Mark, he is living out what he’s writing about. He is chasing lions and encouraging everyone around him to do the same. I think this … Read More
Captain’s (B)log Star Date 11.27.06
(This post should be read with dramatic William Shatner pauses to… get… the full… effect) I feel…much better today. Antibiotics are a wonderful thing! I will say this, I’m losing my mind. I haven’t been out of the house since Thursday. And I was out on Thanksgiving for a total of 2 1/2 hours. All I’ve done for the last 5 days is sleep, cough, and watch Star Trek (thank you TiVo). All of the shows I watch are on Christmas break, so I had to go old school. The bad news is that Carey caught what I had, so … Read More
More Ready Than You Realize Book Review
First, let me say that I love Brian McLaren’s books (I’m ducking from the bullets). I’ve read most of his books, but this one managed to evade me for a while. Needless to say, this is a great book on the subject of evangelism. More Ready Than You Realize is a wonderful departure from the world of 4 spiritual laws, EE, and all the other “canned” approaches that I don’t think really work in the real word anymore. I know people find this somewhat offensive at times, but I think street witnessing is pretty much dead, and along with it, … Read More
The High Stakes World of Competitive Eating
I’ve been tuning in to competitive eating for the last couple of years when I caught a Nathan’s Hot Dog eating contest on ESPN in which Kobayashi cleaned house and ate 59 dogs! After a nap to help get over my cold, I turned on ESPN only to find that today was the Krystal hamburger eating contest. This was 60 minutes of great TV! How we haven’t thought of filming people while they eat and giving them money and trophies is sheer lunacy! Needless to say, Kobayashi won by eating 97 Krystal hamburgers. Yes, you read that correctly…97 burgers. It … Read More
I Feel Terrible…
I’m thankful for a lot… just not the cold I have. This temperature drop has gotten me down for the count. It was 60 degrees in my house on Tuesday! We’re not prepared for this kind of cold. I have never turned the heat on in my house (I wonder if it works?). But I can tell I’m sick because: – I’m Coughing violently and yelling, “Ooouuuuch!” afterwards – I’m Popping cough drops like Dr. House pops Vicadin – I could only put away 1/2 of a bagel (what’s up with that?) – I turned on the TV. Oprah was … Read More
Dumpster Day ’06
I know it sounds like an episode of The Office, but today we had our first annual “Dumpster Day” at our offices. It was a day of no meetings or appointments, just the mission of getting rid of all the junk that we’ve been storing for the last year. It was glorious! I’m a bit of a neat freak, with a tinge of “Rain Man” in me, so organization is a big deal to me. We got rid of so much stuff, straightened up our work spaces, and cleaned like never before. A few highlights: – Finding a science experiment … Read More
Budget Mode
This week and next week is budget time at Calvary Fellowship. It’s where we lay our goals out in dollar form. I want my staff to dream big, but we also have to lay out the steps to making the dream a reality. I love this time of year (except for all the paperwork), but it’s an opportunity for realignment in our mission and vision. We only do a few things here (that’s by design), so budget time allows us to reinforce that. Also, it allows us to put our money where our mouth is (literally), and give resources to … Read More
Giving Some Respect…
Bill Mueller retired today. For those unaware, “Billy Ballgame” was an absolute workhorse who played hurt and played hard. He was the AL batting champion in 2003 and got one of the most important hits in Red Sox history in game 4 of the ALCS. He singled off of Mariano Rivera in the bottom of the 9th and tied the score, where ultimately David Ortiz would hit a walk-off home run and send the series to game 5 (In case you’re being held prisoner with Jack on Lost, the Sox would eventually win the series in 7 games). Anyway, Bill … Read More
Casino Royale
Carey and I went to see Casino Royale last night (the latest Bond film for those unaware), and it was fantastic. The new Bond guy is great. I didn’t think I would like him. I thought Pierce Brosnan was a great cast to play 007 (Not that anyone can touch Sean Connery), but Daniel Craig delivered the goods. The story was well written, the cinematography and general look of the movie was fabulous. Anyway, if you’re looking for a movie that keeps you entertained and doesn’t wimp out after 90 minutes (which seems to be the trend these days with … Read More