I’ve noticed something in the church leadership “genre” that seems to be overlooked. Maybe you’ve noticed it too… Lots of books on how to be a better leader, but very few on how to develop and train leaders within your church. It’s like there’s a group of “Church Leadership Illuminati” that are keeping this info from getting to us. Maybe I’ve just watched too many episodes of the X-Files 🙂 Or maybe there really is a hole in the leadership information that’s available. I’ve worked with thousands of churches like yours and most of them are looking for solutions on … Read More
Theorists are Dangerous to Listen to
I attended a conference this year and one of the speakers was waxing wise about leadership development and discipleship. It sounded pretty good until someone asked him a question about his experience implementing these ideas. The dude turned white as a ghost. That’s when we all found out the news. It.was.all.theory. 100% of it. I fear for the Pastor who implements his ideas in their church. It could seriously hurt his church. That’s why I think books by theorists need to have a “Surgeon General” type warning as though you were buying a pack of smokes. If you know anything … Read More
The Army’s Leadership Secret
The U.S. Army rocks for many reasons. But there’s one reason that most people overlook, that makes the Army unparalleled as an organization. It’s not their battle skills. Or their exceptional abilities. Neither. It’s one thing… they exclusively raise up their own leaders. The Army doesn’t “borrow” soldiers from other branches of the military when they’re looking for new leaders. Instead, the Army does the hard work of training men and women who can lead at all levels. They have a thoughtful strategy for turning Privates into Generals. Most churches fail to put together a winning plan for raising up … Read More
Why Pastors Get Insomnia
I’ve coached over 250 Pastors in the last 3 years and I see the same leadership mistakes being made over and over again. These mistakes keep churches stuck in their growth… These mistakes keep pastors awake at night… These mistakes even cost churches tons of money… So what are the mistakes Daddy-O? Here’s 3 of them: #1 – You have no process for developing leaders Healthy churches consistently develop leaders through a process that leads them from infancy to maturity. #2 – You don’t develop leaders at every level Many churches are good at getting people involved in service, but … Read More
How to Make Every Sunday like Easter
I told you yesterday about our Outreach Ninja members doubling and tripling on Easter. In fact, here’s what a few Pastors had to say in their own words… “We launched in Jan. 2012, so this was our first Easter. We launched with 82 people and settled into the mid 60’s up until Easter. God showed up in ways we never could have imagined and 375 people showed up on Easter!” – Pastor Justin (Wichita, KS) “We had a great Easter. We typically run 50 people in our new church of 3 years old. We had about 350 … Read More
Keep the Easter Momentum Going
I have gotten reports from dozens of Outreach Ninja members about how their churches doubles and tripled on Easter. (One Pastor in CA told me his church quadrupled on Easter!) If you’re anything like me, you drove home from your Easter services and thought, “How can we keep this momentum going?” Here’s 3 ways you can keep riding the Easter Wave: #1 – Follow up – People don’t come back if you don’t follow up with them. This includes first time guests and those who made decisions to follow Jesus. #2 – Invest – We got great results on Easter … Read More
I’m Praying for You
If you’re like me, then you’re knee deep in message prep for your Easter Services. I wanted you to know that I’m praying for every Pastor who’s part of our “Ninja” tribe. If there’s something specific that you need prayer for, let me know. I believe this is the most important Easter in your church’s history. People are nervous, frustrated, and tense over the state of our country and a host of other issues. That’s why this Easter is the perfect opportunity for them to hear the Gospel and see their lives change. So draw the net on Sunday. People … Read More