My staff just gave me the report that in 2009 we saw 555 people make first time decisions to follow Jesus! That doesn't even count the 757 people who rededicated their lives to Jesus in one of our services at Calvary Fellowship. The question that people ask me regularly is, "How did this happen?" Some of you know my story, that we didn't see one person come to know Jesus in the first 18 months of our church. Then we got serious about evangelism and reaching people far from God and in the last 2 years we've reached … Read More
Get More Done in 2010!
One of the questions that come up with every coaching network I lead is, "How do I get it all done?" Generally, I would share some principles that have helped me be more productive. However, I felt as though I needed to be a bit more comprehensive to help leaders be as effective as possible. That's why I recorded "The Productive Leader". This resource contains 24 of the most powerful productivity insights I have ever come across. These are also the same principles that I use in my own life. So with a new year around the corner, … Read More
Merry Christmas!
On behalf of the Franquiz family, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I pray this is a great day for you and your family as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!
Focus your Resources
You have several types of resources: – Financial – People – Energy If you want to be highly productive, the key is to get all 3 of these in alignment. That's why I believe we need to take inventory of our strengths and the strengths of those around us. Once you know what your sweet spot is, you focus on that 80% of the time. If everyone in your organization was spending 80% of their time focused on their strengths, there would be no stopping your organization. If your budget was driven by focus, there would be no stopping you. … Read More
Tomorrow is the last Day!
For the month of December I've been giving away copies of my book Zero to Sixty: 60 principles and practices for leading a growing church as a Christmas present to church leaders. However, the last day to get your free copy is tomorrow (Dec. 24th). So if you want a free copy, simply click here. (Remember, all you pay is the shipping and the book is free) Merry Christmas!
Focus your Time
Most leaders that I know have a "to do" list each day. But that doesn't mean their time is focused. The problem is, a "to do" list isn't enough. Most "to do" lists have no rhyme or reason to them. Item #1 may say, "Write Sunday's Message". Item #2 may say, "Check voice mail". Both items matter, but they need to be categorized and prioritized. That's one of the keys to prioritizing your time. You need a "To Do" list that not only has the tasks that you need to accomplish, they need to be in order of priority. That's … Read More
Focus your Space
I know I'm going to sound like an anal-retentive, non-creative type here, but humor me for a moment: if you want to be more productive, you've got to clean up your work space. You can't be productive and disorganized at the same time. The guy who says, "I know where everything is in this mess" is kidding himself. Why? Because although he may be able to find that proposal he wrote in the piles of papers surrounding his desk, the 20 minutes is took to locate it is gone forever. So here's what I recommend: take the time to organize … Read More
The 1 Thing you Need to be More Productive
I believe that the key to productivity is focus. The reason many of us find is difficult to be more productive is because we're being pulled too many directions. However, focus isn't easy. There's distractions everywhere. The phone, people, email, Twitter and blogs. The key to focus then is to have 3 things: 1. The Space to focus 2. The Time to focus 3. The Resources to focus I'll talk about each of these this week. If we want to be more productive in 2010, we have to make changes. For a resource that will help you become more productive, … Read More
Sunday Stuff…
– Great day today! Here are the highlights… – I rocked a suit today. Yes, it does happen on occasion – I taught Luke 1:26-56. The message was called, "Mary of Nazareth". I focused on Mary's reaction to hearing the news that she was going to carry the Messiah. Lots of great feedback. – The band did a great job today! – Also, we put together a children's choir that did a great job. (Btw – parents just love this stuff :) – For the record, the weather was unbelievable! It was about 60 degrees and sunny. Doesn't get any … Read More
Q and A: What are some tools you use to get organized?
Awesome question! Here's the tools I use: – Omnifocus for my Mac and my iPhone – The Getting Things Done system that David Allen outlines in his book. – I listen to resources that have helped me create my life in a way that maximizes my productivity. What I've done is take all the best ideas I learned from others (and a few I came up with on my own) and created a resource specifically for church leaders to get organized and become more productive. It's called, "The Productive Leader" and it's a resource that has helped a lot of … Read More