For those that are coming to the Assimilation seminar here in Miami, I just found out that the first 10 people to register get a free copy of Fusion. It just makes sense to register now and save some $$$. On your marks, get set, go!!!
Book Review: 15 Characteristics of Effective Pastors
I loved the premise of 15 Characteristics of Effective Pastors by by Kevin W. Mannoia and Larry Walkemeyer, that Godly character AND ministry competence make for an effective Pastor. It’s not one or the other. It’s both. Depending on which circle you run in, emphasis is put on one to the exclusion of the other. But wisdom would tell us that we need both to be effective in our calling. I liked the book and would recommend it to someone who wants to explore this subject a little deeper.
I got home last night from being in Tampa/ St. Petersburg for most of the week. We had our Calvary Chapel Southeast Pastors’ Conference which was fun to see some old friends. Then I had a coaching meeting with a group of Pastors that was really good. I love talking nuts and bolts. But my far the best thing was seeing my girls when I got home! The cutest thing was that Mia didn’t want to go to sleep because she didn’t want to leave me. I love that little girl! I hate being away from my family, but we’ll … Read More
Book Review: Operation Financial Freedom
Just finished reading Operation Financial Freedom by James Dicks. Very good book. This book is a comprehensive volume on finances. You’ll find stuff that you’d find in others books, but there’s some great info here that was hugely helpful (The chapter on buying a car is worth the price of the book). I don’t think you can read too much on the subject of finances. We get bombarded with 1,500 ads a day about all the stuff we’re told we need to have to make our lives complete. So getting wisdom on what to do with finances that leads to … Read More
Sunday Night Thoughts… (Monday Morning Edition)
– Great Sunday! Great energy in both services! – Attendance was good despite is being a 5 day weekend for some schools. – I loved teaching on the cross today. I’m still thinking about the phrase, “The cross is still saving me” – The band was rockin’ as usual. – I’ve only got one more message left to finish the Gospel of Mark. We started on Easter of last year! – Carey came to the 2nd service because she wasn’t feeling too well in the morning, so I brought Mia with me when I came in. I had my backpack, … Read More
The stories never get old…
We did our first baptism of the year on Thursday night and we baptized 21 people! It was amazing to hear the stories of those who went into the water. In case you weren’t aware, Jesus is alive and well! He working in the hearts and lives of people all around us. One story that really moved me involved a girl who got baptized after coming to know Jesus a couple of months ago. What moved me was that the friend who brought her told me about her 2 years ago! She had been praying for her, and inviting her … Read More
Book Review: Focal Point
Focal Point by Brian Tracy is a great book about being productive and accomplishing the objectives you set out to complete. Brian’s time management stuff in this book is great and the insight he gives into goal setting is worth the price of the book. Here’s a few of my favorite quotes: – “You are no longer rewarded for the hours you put in, but what you put into those hours.” – “Personal responsibility is the preeminent trait of leadership.” – “Half of the average person’s working time is simply wasted.” – “People who value themselves allocate their time carefully.” … Read More
Top 10 Things I learned in New York City
There was plenty I learned while in New York last week, but here are a few of the highlights… 1. There are so many thing vying for people’s attention (Times Square was the epitome of that) 2. For 80% of Christians, Membership in a church is the last step in spiritual growth they take 3. “Creativity is having an idea/ Innovation is putting it into practice” 4. The most important question to answer is “because”, not just “why” 5. You can’t have to many signs 6. Finding a seat is what makes people feel most anxious (think first day of … Read More
On Location
Here’s a picture of our video shoot for one of our new Small Group videos. The script is hilarious! I can only imagine what the finished project is going to look like 🙂
Assimilation Seminar
Just wanted to put this on your radar: we’re going to be hosting an assimilation seminar on March 6th. We’re really excited about this. We’ve been very influenced by what Nelson Searcy and The Journey have done with following up with first time guests, so we’re excited to be able to let other churches experience what we have learned. I think the timing of this seminar is great because it’s just before Easter and gives you some time to put some things in place so that those that God brings to your church, you can effectively follow up with. You … Read More
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