Attend my New Coaching Network for FREE!

Bob FranquizUncategorized

  I once attended a one day seminar that cost $800 to attend. But I tell people that it was free. Why? Because the seminar taught me to save thousands in direct mail and be more effective. My philosophy was, if I paid $800 but saved $10,000, then the seminar didn't actually cost me a dime.   I want to do the same thing for you. Why? Because I firmly believe that now is the best time to reach people. Not only because of the state of our world, but this time of year is historically when people are most … Read More

How Leaders Get Developed – Opportunity

Bob FranquizChurch

Yesterday I talked about the power of observation in developing leaders. Today I want to talk about the power of opportunity in seeing leaders become everything they can be. We see this at work in how Jesus trained the 12. "By this time it was late in the day, so his disciples came to him. “This is a remote place,” they said, “and it’s already very late. Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.” But he answered, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “That would take … Read More

How Leaders Get Developed – Observation

Bob FranquizChurch

I've been reading through the New Testament and I'm noting how Jesus developed the 12. What has struck is how he had them observe and do. I'll talk about doing tomorrow, but today I wanted to talk about up and coming leaders observing what we do.  Think about this story of Jesus healing Jairus' daughter: "And He permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James. Then He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw a tumult and those who wept and wailed loudly. When He came in, He said to … Read More

Q and A: What should a Church Plant Teach?

Bob FranquizChurch

I get this question in various forms, but I got it again recently: "What series/ topics/ books should a church plant be teaching in the first year or two?"  First off, this is a great question. It's important because how we begin our churches sets the tone for the kind of ministry we're going to have. And nothing sets the tone like the style and content of our preaching.  Having said that, here's what I'd recommend for a young church to teach in the 1st 3 years of planting: 1. One of the Gospels – We started our church teaching … Read More

It Ends Today

Bob FranquizUncategorized

Just a quick reminder that the $50 off coupon code for our newest resource, "The Leadership Pipeline" ends today. The coupon code pipeline is good for either the CD version or the mp3 download version.   In this 12-CD resource, I lay out how we have created a leadership system at Calvary Fellowship where we have never had to look outside of our church to hire staff. Instead, we've always had several candidates ready to join the staff at any given time. This is true with all staff: Associate Pastors, ministers, ministry leaders, and administrative staff.  But this doesn't happen by accident. … Read More

The Most Important Factor in Developing Leaders

Bob FranquizChurch, Leadership

Leadership development is one of the most rewarding things a leader gets to be part of. It's amazing to see someone go from infancy in Christ to maturity. But the challenge of developing leaders to make sure that responsibility is increased as the level of commitment goes up.  I'm not interested in creating a culture where leaders just sit in meetings and talk. I want a culture where leaders are actually leading! To ensure this, you must give up and coming leaders responsibility and ownership as the level of commitment is increased.  If you don't, you will simply create an … Read More

Wisdom from the Atari 2600 Creator…

Bob FranquizLeadership

"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer." — Nolan Bushnell: Founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese's

Why Do Churches Experience a Leadership Drought?

Bob FranquizChurch, Leadership

The number 1 reason churches experience a drought in the area of leadership development is they haven't laid out a plan or system that raises up leaders at every level of the church. Because there is no system in place, leadership development gets put on the back burner due to other pressing issues.  Here's what I tell the Pastors that I coach: leadership development is isn't difficult to do. The challenge is, it's also not difficult to neglect it as well.  Leadership development doesn't scream for your attention. Most people aren't going to walk up to you and say, "Hi, … Read More

New Resource: The Leadership Pipeline!

Bob FranquizUncategorized

I'm so excited to announce the release of my latest resource, "The Leadership Pipeline: Developing Leaders at every Level". I believe this is the most important resource I have ever recorded.  In this 12-CD resource, I lay out how we have created a leadership system at Calvary Fellowship where we have never had to look outside of our church to hire staff. Instead, we've always had several candidates ready to join the staff at any given time. This is true with all staff: Associate Pastors, ministers, ministry leaders, and administrative staff.  But this doesn't happen by accident. It happens as … Read More

Sunday Stuff

Bob FranquizChurch

– Great day at Calvary!  – The band sounded great.  – We kicked of a new series called, "The Blessed Life".  – We talked about generosity from 1 Timothy 6:6-19 – I'm convinced that people embrace generosity when they connect generosity with the Gospel.  – If you're a Christian, you can't help but be generous because God has been so generous to you.  – In other news, the newest resource "The Leadership Pipeline" is releasing tomorrow. – As far as I'm concerned, it's the most important resource I've ever recorded.  – I'm looking forward to a productive week and … Read More