Marriage is one of my favorite topics to preach on. More that 50% of my congregation is married and the balance of the church wants to tie the knot. That means, whenever we announce a series of teachings on marriage, everyone is excited. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a few challenges associated with teaching on marriage. Some singles get frustrated about talks on marriage. It’s somewhat difficult to teach in a new and fresh way. However, the benefits outweigh the challenges.
So I thought I’d share 5 reasons for you to keep a marriage series on the preaching calendar every year…
#1 – Preach on Marriage because it’s good for your marriage – I’ll be honest, there are times that I wanted to cancel a marriage series we had planned because Carey and I got into an argument and I didn’t feel like studying all week about how to be a great husband. The reality is, that’s exactly what I needed to do. Most of the time the disagreements are my fault anyways (haha!) and I need to get into God’s Word and straighten out my own heart. It also reminds me of things I should be doing that I may have gotten lax about.
#2 – Preach on Marriage because Your Congregation Needs It – The #1 reason people come to Calvary for counseling is due to marriage related issues. Every week many couples walk through your doors who are hanging on by a thread. For this reason, we need to be preaching a message that helps couples work through problems.
#3 – Preach on Marriage because We all Struggle – One of the most common themes I hear when I teach on marriage is, “Pastor Bob, I didn’t realize so many people are going through the same things.” Yes, all couples argue. Yes, all couples go through challenging seasons. When couples know that they aren’t alone, it gives us hope because if other came make it, so can we.
#4 – Preach on Marriage because it will Help Unchurched People – Every week I talk to couples who started attending Calvary because we they were invited to our marriage series. Unchurched people struggle in their marriages and are looking for answers on how to be happily married. I’m grateful the church can be that place where we can welcome fellow strugglers and all work together to have happy, healthy marriages.
#5 – Preach on Marriage because It Will Grow your Church – People need Jesus. Many times, marital struggles are simply the tip of the iceberg. I make no apologies that I want Calvary to grow. There are over 5 million people in Broward and Miami-Dade counties and they need to hear the Gospel. I want people to come to know Jesus and grow from infancy to maturity in their walk with God. This happens within the context of the local church. I’m not talking about numbers so we can puff ourselves up in pride. I’m talking about adding people, lives, families to the Kingdom of God. Pastors, never be ashamed for wanting for community to know Jesus and for you be one of the vessels God uses to help them grow. That’s why you got into ministry in the first place.
So preach on marriage, you’ll be glad you did.