I’ve coached over 250 Pastors in the last 3 years and I see the same leadership mistakes being made over and over again.
These mistakes keep churches stuck in their growth…
These mistakes keep pastors awake at night…
These mistakes even cost churches tons of money…
So what are the mistakes Daddy-O?
Here’s 3 of them:
#1 – You have no process for developing leaders
Healthy churches consistently develop leaders through a process that leads them from infancy to maturity.
#2 – You don’t develop leaders at every level
Many churches are good at getting people involved in service, but have no idea how to help them grow in to leaders who reproduce new leaders.
#3 – You have to hire staff from outside
If there’s one thing churches should excel in, it’s discipleship and leadership development. Having to exclusively hire from the outside is a symptom of a much bigger problem. It’s like when a government hires foreign mercenaries to lead their own armies. It doesn’t make sense.
Over the years I’ve helped countless churches develop a plan for developing leaders in every level of their organization.
In fact, I recently led a 6 month coaching network called, Leadership Ninja that walked you through how to develop a strategy for developing leaders and growing them to maturity.
Here’s what a recent Leadership Ninja alumni said… “I have been involved in several coaching networks, and Leadership Ninja is by far the best! Through this network I was able to address a systemic problem that we kept bumping our heads with because I was simply ill equipped to address without the information that I received in Leadership Ninja! Bob, without your help I would just be floundering around. Thanks Friend.” – Kenneth Sesley – Senior Pastor, Carson, CA
Based on the overwhelming response we got last time, I’ve decided to do another 6 month Leadership Ninja coaching network.
The investment is $179 a month, but you receive…
– A monthly 75 minute coaching session taught by me via webinar
– Over $500 in bonuses resources given to you throughout the network
– Every document and form we use to implement a leadership development process
– FREE access to every Outreach Ninja webinar, tele-seminar or live event while you’re in the network
– A video archive of each coaching session in case you miss it live
This network is not for wimps or lazy Pastors. So if you’re a flake, please don’t join.
We’re launching on May 16th, so there’s no time to lose.
If you’re interested in tripling your leadership base, head over to www.ninjaleadership.com