OK, here's the deal: I'm selling my Kindle 2. It's 6 months old, has a case and almost 60 books included. Why am I selling it? Because I think I'm going to get the iPad. How much are you selling it for? $175 What books are included: (here's a sampling) - Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller - Linchpin by Seth Godin - The Most Successful Small Business in the World by Michael Gerber - 10 stupid things that keep churches from growing by Geoff Surratt - Ignite by Nelson Searcy - Less Clutter, Less Noise by Kem Meyer - A … Read More
Your Best Year Ever!
If you want this year to be different than last year, it all boils down one word: goals. Set good goals and follow through, and you'll see your life go to the next level. But if you walk into 2010 expecting things to change just because the calendar changed and you'll be frustrated this time next year. So how do you set good goals? Use this 5 point strategy for setting SMART goals: S – Specific - Don't write down "Lose weight" as a goal. Instead write, "I want to lose 25 pounds in 2010." M – Measurable - taking … Read More
A New Box to Check
I used to check off the box that said “25-34”. But I turned 35 today. This means I have to check off a new box. You know the box that says “35-44”. But even though I’m a little older, hopefully I’m a little wiser 🙂
My last week…
– Things have been pretty quiet on the blog because I’ve been in Mexico with my family. – It was my first time in Mexico. Must say, I liked it and loved how strong the dollar was there 🙂 – It was great to spend a few days just with my family. We spent most of the time in the pool. My daughter loved the pool! It was a great time. – Being the capturer of precious moments that I am, I brought the charger but forgot to take the still camera or the video camera. Genius! – The place … Read More
If you’re dying to know…
If you’re dying to know what I’m doing I’ve got a places you can find that out: – My Twitter (this is I’m posting totally random stuff about my day) – Facebook (I just started this yesterday after a ton of people encouraging/ hounding me. The jury is out, but so far it’s been fun) If you want to follow me on Twitter click here. If you want to be my friend on Facebook click here. Of course, here at bobfranquiz.com we’ll continue providing you with deep, insightful posts that have refreshed your digital soul 🙂
Reminders that I’m getting old…
– I can fall asleep just about anywhere and just about anytime (i.e. I slept through all of Wall-E on Monday – that was $7 well spent 🙂 – I’ve become fluent in the language of life insurance, IRA, 401K, 403B, and mutual funds – My daughter is using a fork (with help, but insists on feeding herself) – I find myself thinking about my lawn from time to time – Someone recently said to me, “What would you say to a young guy like me?” (If looks could kill) – My assistant has never seen The Karate Kid and … Read More
Happy Independence Day!
40 years ago my parents came to the US from Cuba hoping to make a better life for themselves and their family. They escaped the oppression of a Communist government and embraced the freedom found in America. All my life I’ve heard stories about what Cuba was like and how different things are here in America. While I’m of Cuban descent and appreciate my heritage, I love America. I’m thankful for the opportunities it has given my family to flourish and the freedom it has given me to dream and be anything I want to be. Sometimes we forget how … Read More
The William Hung Preacher Club
I still get nervous every Sunday morning before driving to church. I think to myself, “I wish someone else could teach this message. I don’t know if it’s good enough to teach to God’s people.” But I get in the car, pray all the way to church, and to quote William Hung, “I gave my best performance and I have no regrets.” I used to pray that God would take it away. Now, I want it to stay. I believe it keeps me dependent on God. It reminds me that I’m simply “dust”. I never want to stand in front … Read More
A Legacy
I officiated a funeral last night for a woman who was with us from the very beginning. She hung around with people half her age, never complained that the music wasn’t her style, and just rejoiced that people were coming to know Jesus. About 200 people packed out this church and told story after story about how Edith had impacted their life. Edith is the only person I can say that never spoke an ill word about anyone. She loved Jesus and now she’s experiencing the reward of that obedience. I was amazed at her legacy when I scanned the … Read More
11 Years
11 years ago today, my wife and I got married. I still don’t know how I got her to say yes, but she did and I’ve been the happiest man on planet earth because of it. There’s nothing better than a great marriage! There’s nothing better than being married to your best friend! And the best part is that “the best is yet to come.”