OK, here's the deal: I'm selling my Kindle 2. It's 6 months old, has a case and almost 60 books included.
Why am I selling it? Because I think I'm going to get the iPad.
How much are you selling it for? $175
What books are included: (here's a sampling)
- Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller
- Linchpin by Seth Godin
- The Most Successful Small Business in the World by Michael Gerber
- 10 stupid things that keep churches from growing by Geoff Surratt
- Ignite by Nelson Searcy
- Less Clutter, Less Noise by Kem Meyer
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller
- What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell
- The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs
- The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson
- The book of Basketball by Bill Simmons
- Forgotten God by Francis Chan
- Blood Covenant by Michael Franzese
- Attitudes that Attract Success by Wayne Cordeiro
- Ignore Everybody by Hugh Macleod
- Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan
- The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
- Just do Something by Kevin DeYoung
- The E-Myth Enterprise by Michael Gerber
Plus a bunch more…
If you're interested, email me or DM me on Twitter. The first person to say they wants it, gets it.