Carey and I TiVo’d the Academy Awards and watched them on Monday. It was a significant improvement over previous years. They actually acknowledged that there are viewers who are paying the bills for your event. It was very well done.A question for you TiVo users: Have you ever tried to hit the 8 second rewind button or hit the pause button in a conversation? I have…many times! Also, the M. Night Shyamalan American Express commercial was fantastic! He just rules! I’d watch anything he wrote! By the way, what’s your favorite M. Night film? My vote is on "Unbreakable". I … Read More
Revenge of the Sith in Digital
On my vacation to Orlando, I saw Star Wars:Episode III in full digital. Let me say, it’s like watching a totally different movie. There were only 3 theaters in Florida showing the movie in its’ full digital form, but the AMC at Downtown Disney was one of them. If you have a theater near you showing it, check it out. It’s amazing! Here is a listing the theatres showing it in digital.
War of the Worlds
Yes, I’m chiming in a little late on this since everyone else has already blogged about this. I didn’t see the movie until last night. But I walked away from this very good movie with a perspective that not many others had: I think the aliens and I have a lot in common. Think about it: New York gets destroyed and Boston remains intact. It shows they hate the Yankees as much as I do…
Name that Movie – The sequel
I just wanted to give Carol and Carlos mad props on getting this week’s quote, because not only did they get it, they quoted major portions of “Can’t Buy Me Love” in the process. The funny part is that because I don’t expect people to know this movie as well as I do, I didn’t catch the quotes at first. I LOVE high school movies, but “Can’t Buy Me Love” is by far my favorite. I literally have every line of that movie memorized (Yes, I’m aware of how sad that is). So I tip my cap to you… “Jocks … Read More
Name that Movie
As always, guesses must be given without the aid of Google, or nay other web browser. it must come from the recesses of your twisted mind. So here is this week’s quote” “You nuked my brother! You took him from geek status, to king status, to no status!” Enjoy…
Name that Movie
“You worked at All American Burger!” (Remember, no use of external means to figure this one out!) Enjoy!
5 Useless Thoughts about Star Wars
So now that I’ve allowed the full saga of Star Wars to stew in my mind, here are some of the thoughts I have come up with: #1 – Anakin is the chosen one because he is the one who restores balance to the force. Some have said Luke was the chosen one, i disagree. Because it is Anakin who eventually kills the emperor. (If you haven’t seen “Return of the Jedi”…sorry. Wait, I take that sorry back. When a movie has been out for 22 years, I think there’s a reasonable expectation that you can talk about a movie … Read More
Name that Movie – Week 2
Here’s the line (From one of the best movies EVER): Remember the object is to guess what movie it’s from and who said it. “It’s the African Ant Eater Ritual!!!” – Have fun…
Name that Movie!
I’ve decided that each week I am going to pull from my arsenal of useless pop culture information and create some trivia for each of us to enjoy. So I will be posting a quote from a movie (Usually a cult classic 80’s film) and our job will be to guess the name of the movie. If you are really daring give us the name of the character who said the line. So here’s the first one (It’s not easy): “I’ve been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I’m no dummy.” Have fun…
The Great Thing I Have Ever Seen
Saying it’s the greatest thing I have ever seen is probably an overstatement, but it’s really funny if you’re a sci-fi geek.
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