FREE Report: 5 Steps to Mastering Facebooks Ads

Bob FranquizChurch

As Easter is just days away, I just released a brand new FREE Special report on “5 Steps to Mastering Facebook Ads”. You can request the free report here and we’ll email it to you. Happy Easter!

The 3 Second Rule for Direct Mail

Bob FranquizChurch

You pick up your mail and sort through it. How long do you give each piece of mail that you bring inside? I'll tell you: about 3 seconds.  If it doesn't catch your eye and say something that connects with you, it ends up in the round file.  We talk about these 3 seconds a lot at Calvary when we're getting ready to do a direct mail campaign. You've got 3 seconds to say something that keeps you out of the garbage can. Then you've got to say something that compels them to an action step (i.e. attending your service). … Read More

Why does Direct Mail Fail? (And How to Keep your from Failing)

Bob FranquizChurch

One of the reasons churches get poor results in their direct mail is because they don't track their results. Here's the truth: if you aren't tracking your results, you have no idea if your direct mail is working or not.  Butts in the seats is not the only way to see if your direct mail is working. While I would agree that someone attending your church is the end result we want, there are other factors involved.  1. Someone could get your direct mail and go to a confusing website and not attend 2. Someone could get your direct mail and … Read More

Facebook: Clicks Versus Impressions

Bob FranquizChurch

There's over 500 millions people on Facebook, so if you aren't using it as a tool to reach people, you're missing the boat. One question that regularly comes up is, "Should I pay per click or impression when buying Facebook ads?" Here's the short answer: clicks. When you buy clicks rather than impressions, you get the impressions anyway because Facebook doesn't get paid unless people click.  That means Facebook is going to put the ad up as much as possible so that you can get clicks. The other reason clicks are better is because it allows you to track your … Read More

It was 2 Years ago Today…

Bob FranquizUncategorized

We're celebrating 2 years of equipping Pastors and churches at!  I'm blown away by all that God has done in these 2 years. We've coached over 150 Pastors and resourced nearly 3,000 churches in that time.  It has been my honor to serve so many leaders and share what we've learned at Calvary. I think I've learned more from all of you than you've learned from me.  To celebrate this momentous occasion, we're putting just about everything in our store on sale for 40% off! Just use the code 2years during checkout.  Here's a same of the resources that are … Read More

Easter Follow Up Prep List

Bob FranquizUncategorized

I am getting emails daily about direct mail for Easter, but I thought I'd have you start thinking about your post-Easter follow up plans.  Here's what you're going to need to keep those you reach: 1. A strategy for help New Believers take next steps – our resource on New Believer follow up has helped 100's of churches implement a plan and see new believers stick.  2. A book to help new believers take their first few steps – This little book that I wrote is being used by churches all over the country to help solidify new believers in … Read More

Tools to Help you Maximize Easter!

Bob FranquizUncategorized

Just a quick update to let you know that all of our Evangelism and Outreach resources are 25% off! Use the code easter11 at checkout and the discount will apply. This Easter, too many churches are going to spend way too much money for way too little results! That's why we're doing this sale: to put the resources in your hands to make this Easter your biggest yet! Check out the sale on these resources! Direct Mail Secrets (normally $89.95) only $67.46 with 25% off discount! Digital Evangelism (Normally $69.95) only $52.35 with 25% off discount! 21st Century Outreach Strategies … Read More

The Factors that Determine Direct Mail Success

Bob FranquizUncategorized

Churches are a bit surprised when I tell that outreach is both art AND science. Yt I believe it's absolutely true. In working with 100's of churches over the last 3 years on outreach and evangelism strategies, some things work and others don't. But when a Pastor says something like "direct mail doesn't work in my area" and no data to back it up other than a mediocre attempt at direct mail, it's frustrating. Not only that, it hurts the church from using that media again to reach people.  As we approach Easter, I am getting emails daily from Pastors … Read More

And then there was one…

Bob FranquizUncategorized

I'm blown away by the incredible response to my new Explosive Outreach Tele-Coaching network that's starting on March 2nd!  In fact, I've only got 1 spot left!  What do you receive by joining this network? – A monthly 2 hour tele-coaching experience (plus a recording of each session) – Over $400 in resources – A helpful review of one of your church's outreach pieces to maximize effectiveness – Insights from 12 other leaders who in this network with you  – FREE outreach pieces we've used at Calvary that have worked in big ways! – Plus, you can have the staff member … Read More

The 5 Reasons Most Church Outreach Doesn’t Work

Bob FranquizUncategorized

Today (February 16th @2PM EST) I'm teaching a free 45 minute tele-seminar  called, "The Anatomy of ExplosiveOutreach!" I'm going to be talking about practical strategies for making your outreach efforts more effective and I'd love for you to be part of it.     Here's what you can expect to learn from this 45-minute tele-seminar:–  The 1 thing you absolutely must do in your outreach/ marketing efforts – The surefire way to make sure your outreach efforts work – How to spend less on outreach/marketing and reach more – How to have a clear strategy to reach people in your community – … Read More