Since starting Calvary Fellowship almost 10 years ago I have tried to focus on the health of the church rather than only growth. Why? Because all healthy things grow. So if I can lead well, then the natural outflow of that will be a church that's growing and developing as it should.
The question is, what should I focus on? I believe there are 7 pillars that makes a church healthy. I see them like gauges on the dashboard. You check the gauges to make sure the car is running correctly. If the car stalls out, one of those gauges was speaking. If the car overheats, one of those gauges was telling the story.
The key is to know them and monitor them.
That's what my new resource is all about. I believe it's one of the most important resource I've recorded because if you focus on health, the growth will follow.
You can pick up my resource 'The Pillars of a Healthy Church" by clicking here. To save $10, use the coupon code pillars10 during check out.