You Don’t Have to be a Megachurch to Reach 1000’s

Bob FranquizChurch


There’s this belief that many pastors have that drives me nuts.

They think they need to be megachurch pastors to reach 1000’s of people.

I disagree.

I think any church of any size can reach 1000’s of people far from God.

What do you need to do? Here’s 3 things:

#1 – Take evangelism seriously – don’t simply expect it to happen. Instead, be strategic.

#2 – Mobilize your congregation – Let people know that Easter is the best Sunday of the year to invite someone to church.

#3 – Make your biggest Sundays count – that means you treat Easter like the NFL treats the Superbowl.

In our Outreach Ninja coaching, we teach our members how to reach people using every possible means. Plus, we teach you how to do it for nickels compared to what most churches spend.

One of the ways we do this is by totally customizing our done-for-you resources, thus saving you thousands in design costs.

In fact, every Outreach Ninja member is getting an Easter bundle that
gives them everything they need to invite their community to Easter.

You can test drive Outreach Ninja for the next 30 days for only $1.

Plus, you’ll get the Easter bundle totally customized for your church.

It’s the best decision you can make this Easter season.

It’s only 33 days away.

You can learn more at



Bob Franquiz
Senior Pastor
Calvary Fellowship

P.S. The Easter bundle offer ends this tomorrow (Thursday, February 28th), so don’t delay!