Brandy Autopsy has an amazing series of posts about Starbucks tribal Knowledge, but this one really got me thinking. They posted the organizational chart that you see posted here on the left. In the business world recognizing your customer is very easy. But in church world, who’s the "customer"? Many will say, "Those that attend your church!" I disagree. The "Employee" box is everyone that calls your church home (Pastors, staff, volunteers) and our role is to reach those that don’t yet know Christ (our "customer"). The moment church leaders begin to see our primary "Customer" as church members we have lost our focus.
Jesus’ focus was to "Seek and save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10) But it’s had work. Much harder than pacifying the "already convinced". That’s why most go the easy route and never think beyond the 4 walls of the church.
I’ll tell you this: sometimes this makes Christians mad because they want the church to be about them. So do I sometimes. But we are here to reach those that don’t know Jesus. When we get in line with what God is all about in reaching people, then we see God’s power flowing through us.