What Greg Surratt Taught Me about Preaching on Easter

Bob FranquizGeneral


Hey Pastor!

I am so excited about our Double on Easter event on February 12th at 1PM EST!

We have a great faculty of 15 speakers who are going to be opening their bag of
tricks and sharing from their depth of experience on how to to reach more
people on Easter.

One of the speakers I am most excited about is Greg Surratt.

Greg is the founding and Senior Pastor of Seacoast Church, a dynamic church
with 10 growing campuses!

Greg is also the president of the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and
works with hundreds of church planters every year.

I had the privilege of interviewing Greg the other day and what he shared about
preaching, reaching people and big days like Easter was amazing.

But he drilled down on preaching and said
this, “My goal on Easter is to make them laugh, make them cry, and give
them Jesus.”

Then Greg unpacked this even further and talked about how and why he gears his
Easter message towards men.

He also talked about the system they have set up for anyone who speaks at their
church. (Seriously, this was so good. It’s a tough process. Then again,
at Seacoast they call it their “water boarding process for

Anyway, we’ll be airing the entire interview at our Double on Easter
event on February 12th @ 1PM EST.

All the details are below.

Plus, there’s a bonus: Everyone who signs up gets a free downloadable
copy of my book, Zero to Sixty: 60 Principles and Practices for Leading a
Growing Church.

This can be the biggest Easter in your church’s history!

Let’s work together to make that happen!



P.S. Click here for your FREE REGISTRATION!