– Lots of stuff on my mind today…
– If you aren't aware, we're celebrating our 2 year anniversary at church-strategies.com!
– To mark this momentous occasion, we're offering 40% off the entire store. Just use the code 2years during checkout. Here's the link to the store —> Link
– A Pastor in my Explosive Outreach Coaching Network just started using our Facebook strategy for reaching people. He had this 1st guest on Sunday. I asked him how much he spent. He said, "35 cents." I love it!
– If you reach people people, but don't disciple them, you're doing them a disservice.
– If we are great at nothing else, churches should be great at discipling people to maturity
– Here's a tip for your Easter promotion: Promote Easter, not your series. Trust me. I've learned this one the hard way 🙂
– Looking forward to teaching Genesis 6-7 tonight and Obadiah on Sunday. (Yes, you read that correctly)
– One of my favorite things to do as a teacher is take a text that people feel is irrelevant and make it totally relevant.
– I think people are going to be shocked how much Obadiah is about us today.
– If you haven't downloaded the free reports we're offering, here's the links:
- The top 3 Mistakes Churches Make with New Believers —> Link
- Creating Safeguards in your life (FREE chapter from Zero to Sixty) —> Link
– Are you going to Exponential this year? If so, I'm leading a Pre-conference intensive with my friends Shawn LoveJoy and Travis Johnson on Best Practices AFTER you launch. Here's the link —> Link (Our Intensive is all the way at the bottom of the page)