Well, I got done with my first TV experience. I did this panel discussion on “Viewpoint” today and I think it went pretty well. It’s the first time I was led into a make-up room. It got a little weird when the guy powdered the top of my head so my impending baldness wouldn’t glare.
But the discussion was good. There was 3 Ph.d’s and me. It was an odd feeling. All three of them were Catholic, the host was Episcopal, and then there was me. I felt a little out of place. The other 2 guys wore a suit, and then there was me. I did bring a coat (just in case) people decided to dress up for this. I’m glad I did.
We talked about Eschatology, the Left Behind books, what the Rapture is, and John Hagee (Yes, I’m serious.) Someone brought up John Hagee and I just started to laugh. They mentioned all of his charts and I just cracked up.
Anyway, if you live in South Florida, you can watch it on Channel 2 on January 28th @ 12PM.