Here's a question that I received recently:
"Bob, I've tried the tithe challenge and people check off their box that they were taking the tithe challenge, but after 3 weeks the majority had dropped off. What's the problem?"
Good News: This is a common problem.
Bad News: This is a common problem.
The churches that I have worked with one on one that experience this drop off usually experience it because their follow up system for those taking the tithe challenge isn't … well… good.
I have long said this and will say it again, the key to the tithe challenge is in the follow up.
I believe the presentation and introduction of the tithe challenge concept is important, but we have to come along side those who take this really big step in their lives and coach them.
When you have a solid follow up system in place that doesn't leave this new giver alone, but instead includes him in communication and encouragement with others who are taking the same challenge, that's when lives change.
God begins to work in that person's life and everyone else taking the challenge hears about it and thus their faith is build and they trust God with their giving as well.
I spend a great deal of time discussing this in my resource, "The Tithe Challenge", which contains every piece of follow up material we use at Calvary. Also, The Tithe Challenge is on sale for $50 off this week. You can pick up a copy by clicking here.