Leadership development is one of the most rewarding things a leader gets to be part of. It’s amazing to see someone go from infancy in Christ to maturity. But the challenge of developing leaders to make sure that responsibility is increased as the level of commitment goes up.
I’m not interested in creating a culture where leaders just sit in meetings and talk. I want a culture where leaders are actually leading! To ensure this, you must give up and coming leaders responsibility and ownership as the level of commitment is increased.
If you don’t, you will simply create an avenue for people to just listen to leadership principles being taught. I want our leaders to put these principles into practice.
Here’s the reality: increased responsibility means young leaders are going to make mistakes. It means they aren’t going to do things exactly the way you would.
There’s no microwave option for developing a leader. It takes time, investment, and giving them opportunities to grow and even fail a time or two.
However, if you continually challenge them at each new step, you’ll see men and women who will shine in time and lead to levels you never thought possible.
If you want a “done-for-you” system for developing leaders, pick up a copy of our resource, “The Leadership Pipeline” by clicking here.
P.S. Use the coupon code pipeline to get $50 off The Leadership Pipeline!