The mistake that many senior pastors don’t think about because it doesn’t immediately call for their attention is a neglect for their own self-development.
The old saying is true: “Leaders are readers.” To that point, check out this picture of Pastor Rick Warren’s own personal library:
Wow. Now, you may not be able to fit that many books in your office and neither can I but reading books is a fundamental way we can continue to grow as a leaders.
The truth is: I’ve met very few successful leaders who don’t give significant time to reading. The formula for growth is that the rate of the leader’s growth determines the rate of the church’s growth.
So, if I want my church to grow, I have to grow first.
That means I need to have a plan for my own personal development as a leader. That needs to include a Bible reading plan, attending conferences that will benefit me as a leader, reading a specific number of books every year, and meeting with other leaders who will stretch my thinking.
I also believe that learning from areas outside of our own field helps us be leaders who are more effective.
Would attending a seminar on marketing help you be a more effective communicator? Would reading a business book help you look at decision making in a new light?
Sometimes, by cross-pollinating our learning experiences, we gain new insight through hearing things from a new perspective.
Self Development is just one of the areas I talk about in my free e-book, “Top 5 Mistakes Senior Pastors Make.” Fill out the form below to get your free copy: