"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark." – Michaelangelo
Just Get Started…
"While the worriers are worrying, the planners are planning & the accountants are figuring out why we can’t afford it, I’m busy getting started." – Walt Disney
Saturday Quote
“The person who will not read is no better than the person who cannot read.” – Earl Nightingale
Great Quote
I read this quote today and it fired me up! “Let us capture our cities for Christ. I mean literally overwhelm them. Let us do it through the principle of saturation, filling the city with our doctrine. And let us do it through the two secret weapons of a Bible-believing local church: (1) contacting people and (2) contacting people, continuously. If you do that long enough, well enough, and loud enough, you are going to get everyone’s attention. A pastor may not win’ everyone this year or the next year, but if he is willing to go to a church … Read More