So many things I’m thinking about on Sunday evening…
– I had a great time talking with the reporter from the Miami Herald. The story is supposed to run on Easter Sunday. We’re going to follow up with a conversation during the week.
– Funniest quote of the day: a new girl to our church said to me, “Has anyone told you that you sound like Jack Black?” My answer: “You’re not the first person who’s said that.” – The legend of the rent is way past due!
– We finished our “Illusions” series today. I think it ended on a high note. I felt we left the strongest message for last.
– Pirate’s booty – Everyone laughed at the name of the delicious snack I’ve been eating lately. It tastes great and it’s good for you.
– Next week we are starting a new series called “Supernatural”. We’re going to be studying the Gospel of Mark verse by verse. I can’t wait!
– Every week someone tells me to that my daughter is going to grow up faster than I realize. It’s so true. I visited someone this week from our church who was in the same hospital. It was the same hospital Mia was born in. I couldn’t believe it had been 2 months since Carey gave birth to our little girl.
– Easter is this Sunday! It’s going to be awesome!
– Mia and Carey will be at church on Easter!