– Today was awesome!
– Great turn out even though we had a bunch of peeps out of town.
– We were waaay up from this weekend last year!
– We kicked off a new series this morning – “Defining Moments”
– The message seemed to hit a nerve with a lot of people
– We started teaching the Gospel of Mark last Easter! I can’t believe there’s only 3 weeks left!
– The band was rockin’ today!
– It was great to see some people I hadn’t seen in a while
– There was a lot of people that really wanted to start the New Year right! I’m praying they follow through.
– Our systems are really clicking. They’re helping people take next steps in their walk with God.
– We’re teaching a financial seminar in February, so I’m reading a lot on finances. I’ve never been more convinced as to how much of an important subject this is.
– My daughter is inches away from walking. I love being a dad!
– I love my family!
– I think I’ve got my next book idea. Then again, I’ve thought that before 🙂