– Today was amazing! Definitely one of the highlights in my 9+ years as Pastor of Calvary Fellowship.
– We launched our Miramar campus today with 150+ people! Thank you Lord!
– I'm blown away by God's goodness. We did personal invites, Facebook ads, and direct mail, that's it!
– Miramar is a community that has needed a church like ours for a long time. People's receptiveness to a new church like ours shows that there's been a huge need.
– Our staff and volunteers were amazing. They made Everglades High school look like we've been meeting there for a year! (The school was also great. They're a pleasure to work with!)
– We kicked off a new series called, "Happily Ever After". I taught Genesis 2:18-25. I taught on the foundations for a healthy marriage.
– I think marriage is my favorite to talk about. (By the way, that's why I usually teach books of the Bible. If not, I'd be talking about marriage every Sunday – ha!)
– Our Miami Lakes campus had record attendance! It was amazing to see that we started a new campus and our attendance was larger than ever at our 1st location.
– Both bands were amazing. The quality was A+ in both locations. That was my biggest concern is starting this campus. I wanted the quality of both campuses to be top notch. Mission accomplished.
– Teaching 2 services was great! My throat is a bit soar. I'll have to go back to doing voice exercises again.
– Looking forward to doing it again next week!