Sunday Stuff

Bob FranquizChurch

– Amazing day at Calvary!

– We did a combined service at 11AM today.

– I think this is the last time we’re be able to do this because we were packed to the gills in the middle of the summer

– I taught a message on “knowing the will of God” from Romans 12:1-2

– The band sounded fantastic today.

– Lots of people responded to the invitation to come to Christ today.

– I’m not an evangelist, so I’m amazed every week when people respond to the Gospel invitation.

– After the service we baptized 40+ people. It was cool to see a couple hundred people huddled around the baptistry and then explode in applause when each person came out of the water.

– After that, we had bounce houses for the kids and a BBQ for everyone. 100’s of dogs and burgers consumed 🙂

– All in all, a great Sunday.

– I’m excited about this week for several reasons, but Outreach Ninja launches on Tuesday and I can’t wait to start investing in these guys. You can sign up here and test drive Outreach Ninja for less than the cost of a Big Mac 🙂

– Got a great email from a guy in my coaching network who more than tripled his church today using the strategies he learned in my most recent network. I’m very proud of him.

– 4 of the guys in this network have at least doubled their churches in one day using the outreach strategies we teach.

– I can’t tell you how much joy it brings me to see Pastors reach their communities with the strategies I teach them. Plus, they’re doing it for less than 1/2 of what churches are normally paying.

– By the way, Carey and I found out on Wednesday that we’re having a girl!!!! We’re thrilled!

– Have  a great week!