- One of the best days in Calvary’s history today!
- I was blown away at the response to the Gospel. Over 100 people made a decision to follow Jesus! I love it!
- Nearly 2,000 attended one of our 3 Easter celebrations. That shattered last year’s Easter record!
- The band was incredible today.
- Our host teams were over the top as well
- Children’s ministry was running better than I’ve ever seen it
- Every area of ministry was running on all 8 cylinders
- I felt great about my message. We kicked off a new series called, “Inside Out” as we journey through the books of Romans
- I taught Romans 10 years ago. Funny enough, I didn’t even look at my old notes. I had a message in my heart and I just let it rip.
- Looking forward to spending the Spring & Summer teaching through this foundational book.
- Also looking forward to having next Sunday off. If you’re in South Florida and you’re looking for a guest speaker, I may be available 🙂
- Also looking forward to hanging out with some great people and teaching at this years Exponential Conference in Orlando. I’ll leading a session on “financing the mission” as part of the “Leading beyond the Launch” pre-conference intensive.
- Here’s the link if you want to sign up. If not, just come by and say hi.
- Have a great week following up with those who took significant next steps!