– Today was really good!
– It was great to have Mark back leading worship.
– I taught Revelation 2:1-7
– Lots of people responding to return to their 1st love this morning
– Talked to a lot of first and second timers today. It's amazing to hear about how people hear about Calvary Fellowship
– People are coming to know Jesus and growing at the church. I couldn't be happier.
– I ate pretty bad this week. Monday I'm getting back on the horse and eating right.
– I'm looking forward to leading an assimilation seminar in Jupiter on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to training Pastors to keep those they reach (especially with Easter approaching)
– My TiVo gave out this week and I lost every new episode of Lost and 24 (that I hadn't watched yet)
– That was a bit frustrating. But I did get a free upgraded TiVo out of the deal. I guess I'll be giving iTunes some business this week.
– Time to hang out with the family, I'm out…