– Great services today.
– I think the Dolphins game affected our attendance for the 1st service, but the 2nd service was rockin'!
– Taught Proverbs 30:24-28
– The band sounded amazing!
– Had one of our board members at church this morning. Loved hearing his feedback about all that's happening!
– I love our volunteers! We have an amazing group of servants in our church. Every week they go out of their way to serve God and his people! And they do it all with a smile!
– This past week was absolutely crazy! Tons of meetings, but an extremely productive week.
– Looking forward to our January series through the book of Esther!
– I'm blown away by the people God brings to Calvary! Amazingly talented group of people.
– After a couple of crazy weeks, I'm looking forward to a moderately sane one.
– Looking forward to our staff Christmas dinner this week. That's always a great time.
– Too many times we're so busy serving that we don't have time to spend hanging out. So I enjoy these times.
– Tons of people have taken me up on my offer for free copies of Zero to Sixty. The way it works is that if you pay the shipping, I'll send you the book at no cost. It's that simple. Here's the link.
– Have a great week!