– Awesome day today!
– I taught Esther 2:1-18. I took a bit of a different angle on it.
– Most Bible teachers focus on how godly Esther is. I just don't see that from the text.
– Esther doesn't reveal that she's Jewish, eats non-kosher, and marries a Gentile (all Hebrew no-no's)
– Daniel on the other hand lets everyone know he's Jewish and won't eat the king's delicacies (Daniel 1)
– Thankfully, Esther turns things around by chapter 4.
– Anyway, I talked about the stuff that we cover up. Great response to the message.
– The band sounded great. Great to see new worship members serving.
– It was cold this morning. Like 30 degrees cold. We're not equipped for that kind of chilly weather.
– Yes, I rocked a scarf this morning.
– Before the service, we filmed a new welcome video for newcomers. This is DVD that we're going to give out at our Miramar campus.
– I'm amazed at the level of talent at Calvary. The guy shooting the video was part of the press team that followed President Obama during the campaign.
– Plus, our video producer (who's on our staff) has won 3 Emmy's.
– It's humbling to know that I'm the least educated guy on our staff 🙂
– By the way, special thanks to our set up team who get to the school every Sunday at 6AM. I know today was even more difficult. Thanks for all you do for the kingdom!
– I'm reviewing a great book in the www.church-strategies.com newsletter on Tuesday. You can subscribe here. Plus, I'm going to be giving away 5 copies of the book. You'll find out how to win one on Tuesday!
– If you DM'ed me on Twitter asking for a coupon code for our new resource, "Direct Mail Secrets", that code expires today. Here's the link.
– Stay warm and have a great week!