– Amazing day!
– Great crowds in Miramar and Miami Lakes.
– Great to see lots of 1st time guests in both locations!
– It's amazing to me how different Miami Lakes and Miramar are. Miramar is looking like more couples in the 30-40's range. Miami Lakes is tons of singles in their 20's.
– I'm interested to see how this plays out over time.
– I taught a message today called, "Help! I've Married the Wrong Person!" from Genesis 29. We talked about Jacob DID marry the wrong person. My favorite part of the message is the AHA moment at the end when Jacob says, "Buy me with Leah." She was one who had the blessing. Leah to Judah to David to Jesus.
– I love teaching on marriage. This series is ministering to a lot of people. Wish the series was longer than 5 weeks.
– The "We're moving" sale is going extremely well. But the sale ends Monday. So if you want to save up to 50% off on EVERY www.church-strategies.com resource, click here.
– We got the keys to our new offices today. We're running network cables this week. So the move is on in the next week. We're already packing up our current offices.
– I read 4 great books this week. I'll be recommending them in the www.church-strategies.com newsletter. You can subscribe here for free.
– I'm thinking about doing a coaching network in the evening. This way bi-vocational Pastors who work during the day can participate. If you're interested, email me.