– Great day today!
– I taught Exodus 20:13 in our 10 Words series
– Talked about war, abortion, capital punishment, 1st degree murder and anger
– It was a heavy sermon for sure
– Can't believe we've only got 4 weeks left in our series.
– After this, we'll spend all Summer exploring the book of Ephesians
– The band sounded great this morning
– Preaching with the iPad has become very comfortable for me. I can't go back to paper 🙂
– I still read my main text out of my Bible, but the iPad has replaced my notes
– Big announcement on the www.church-strategies.com front happening this week. We've been working on this for a while and I think people will be happy about it
– My son Alexander started crawling this week. It's amazing to watch him grow.
– I'm watching the Red Sox game with my kids. I'm enjoying it more than they are 🙂