– Great day at Calvary!
– I team taught Judges 4-5 with Pastor Mark.
– We talked about leadership and influence.
– Lots of feedback from the message.
– The message today was looooooong. That's what happens when you have 2 long winded preachers teaching together.
– George Martinez did a great job leading worship. It's amazing what a great worship leader he's turned into!
– We've called October "Missions and Outreach" month at Calvary. We've been highlighting several of the missionaries and organizations we support. Great feedback.
– Don't expect people to know what you're involved in. You need to tell them. It will bless then and they'll get involved. We're learning that now.
– We had a couple of staff members out and things still went smooth. It's a sign of a great team!
– Pretty crazy week. Besides of the usual battery of meetings, I'm kicking off our Explosive Outreach Coaching Network on Wednesday and leading my Senior Pastor's Coaching Network on Thursday. Translation: lots of talking for me 🙂
– I'm committing the cardinal sin of reading: I'm reading 4 books at once. It has to stop. I'm going nuts!