– Today was great! I always enjoy teaching Mother’s Day service.
– My favorite part is acknowledging those that are there because their mom dragged them 🙂
– We were up in attendance (always a plus!)
– We did have a few cell phones go off at the 1st service. My only problem was when 1 person answered the phone. I stopped and stared the guy down until he hung up. It was awkward to say the least.
– We did Mother’s Day portraits for every family. This was definitely the nicest I’ve seen our folks dressed up in quite some time 🙂
– We kicked off our Frequency series and I talked about the 4 qualities we need to develop to hear from God.
– Next week I’ll be talking about how to test if something is from God or not.
– Because of all the Summer movies, we have to move our 3rd service to 11AM. Indiana Jones is cramping my style!
– I felt as though the 2nd service was the best one. I don’t know about you, but this changes every week. Sometimes I think the 9:30 is better, other times I think the 11:15 is strongest. Then again, some weeks I drive home thinking all of them were duds 🙂