– Awesome day today!
– Celebrated Communion today. It was a special moment.
– I taught Revelation 10.
– It feels good to be almost 1/2 through Revelation. I should be done by August.
– The band sounded amazing today!
– I'm blown away by the level of talented people God has brought to our church. It's humbling.
– It was so hot today! Summer is here and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself!
– Got home from church and listened to the first 2 disks of an 18 DVD set that I bought. Awesome stuff!
– Been getting a lot of encouraging emails from people who have read Zero to Sixty.
– Looking forward to being in Hartford next week for a Zero to Sixty seminar. It's going to be a great day taking about leadership. If you're in the area, you can register here.
– I'm rolling out the details to my new Leadership coaching network for Senior Pastors. I'm wrapping up a Church Planters network in July. Details forthcoming…
– I need to read 20 books by the end of the month to keep on track to read 200 books in 2009. 200 books may be harder than I thought :)
– We just introduced 2 new resources at www.church-strategies.com this week:
– I think both of these resources are going to be really helpful for churches. Plus, they are totally downloadable resources!
– Carey is due in 6 weeks. We're running out of time to get Xander's room done.
– Busy week on deck. Peace out!