– I didn't teach this morning. I've been fighting a cold and I can't talk much. When I do, I sound like an 80-year old chain smoker.
– We showed part 2 of Dave Ramsey's Life. Money. Hope.
– It went great. People received both messages really well.
– I spent most of the day sleeping. It's been a pretty "interesting" week for me.
– I'll spare you the boring details because it involved Carey being in and out of the hospital again and Mia and I both getting sick.
– Mia is doing much better thankfully.
– Our baby is due in 9 days. We're very excited!
– I mentioned on Twitter that I was going to be giving away some copies of Zero to Sixty.
– All that info is coming tomorrow morning.
– I'm going back to sleep so I can get better. Pray for us if you get a chance…