– Awesome services today!
– Taught Revelation 6:1-8. Nothing says the week after Mother's Day like talking about the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse 🙂
– I love teaching through Revelation! People are really into it.
– The school bell rang in the middle of our 1st service. I wasn't happy about that.
– I talked about honoring God with your finances as 1 point in the message and 82 people took the tithe challenge! Totally excited about that!
– At www.church-strategies.com we have a resource to help churches utilize the Tithe Challenge to inspire new giving in the church. I really believe that the key to lasting fruit in this process is the follow up (in the Tithe Challenge resource, we give you every piece of follow up material we use.)
– Baptism today! Close to 30 people getting baptized. I'm a bigger fan of doing more frequent baptisms and have a smaller number of people that doing baptisms once a year to get a big crowd.
– I believe giving people an opportunity to be baptized is a key component of New Believer Follow up.
– My daughter has pink eye. I feel bad for her. she's look forward to church every week and had to miss today. This is the 1st Sunday she's missed church in her life.
– Looking forward to this week's edition of the www.church-strategies.com newsletter. My article is on "How every Sunday can have Easter-like Impact". If you aren't getting the newsletter, you can sign up for it here.
– I'm excited about a great week ahead. God is good!