I’ve been totally blessed listening to this years’ Calvary Chapel Senior Pastor’s conference. The theme is “God’s Continuing Work Through His Church.” Basically, each speaker is telling their story of how God worked in their lives and lessons they’ve learned. Great stuff!
I’m about 1/2 way through the sessions and here’s the 2 consistent themes I’ve heard throughout:
#1 – God is faithful – It’s a fact and a great reminder!
#2 – God works differently every time – Every story the Pastors told featured God leading the Pastor and leaders to do something different at each stage of the church. It’s so amazing. I was reminded by the importance of personally listening to the Lord and following where He is leading me. It makes sense. If I’m going to follow the Lord, He’s going to lead me to a place where there is no pattern. If God did it the same way every time, it wouldn’t much of a walk of faith. I was challenged.
In light of that, here’s my question, “If God always works differently with each church, why are some upset when we all don’t look alike?” That should be a reason to rejoice. Is that weird or is it just me?