Instead of getting bummed out about the Summer, use the summer as an opportunity to do 3 things:
1. Grow – Yes I said grow. You can grow in the summer. There are still guests coming to your church every week over the summer. Keep the quality high over the summer and you'll reap the rewards in the Fall. Plan some Mini-Easters in the Summer and you'll see lots of interest in events that take place over the summer as people invite friends.
2. Plan – Summer is the time to plan out the Fall and begin to think about what you're going to teach in the beginning of the next year. I like to go into the Fall knowing what the first quarter of the following year looks like.
3. Rest – Summer is the time to take vacations and get some rest. People are in and out during the summer (especially the first 2 weeks after school gets out and the 2 weeks before school begins). So take these Sundays off and get some rest.
To learn more about how to make the most of summer, check out our resource, "How to Make Every Sunday Like Easter" by clicking here.