It’s all about the text!
I love creativity and I love thinking of new ways of sharing old truths, but you have to start with the text. I’m concerned whenever I talk to a leader who tells me he’s doing a series of teachings on _________, but hasn’t figured out what Bible verses he’s going to teach. It’s the classic case of the tail wagging the dog.
We start with the text because when you break it all down, that’s all that matters.
The lights don’t matter…
The staging doesn’t matter…
The bumper video doesn’t matter…
The graphics don’t matter…
None of it matters unless it’s there to give us insight into God’s Word. I love all of those things and we incorporate those things into our weekly services, but it’s the Scriptures that God has promised to bless. It’s the Scriptures that God has said He would magnify above His Own Name.
May we be people of the book. And may we then use all the other mediums God has given to us to illustrate it and inspire others…