We started National Expositional Preaching month 2 weeks ago and the response has been amazing!
I’m thrilled to see so many Pastors gearing up to teach through books of the Bible.
Tomorrow I’m going to be sending a video busting many of the myths pastors believe about expositional teaching.
But today I wanted to let you know that we’re added some new sermon series resources to the Ninja Resources store.
Here’s a sample of the resources that are 50% Off:
The Contrarian’s Guide to Happiness (The Beatitudes) (New!)
Prodigal (Luke 15) (New!) Blueprint (Nehemiah) (New!)
Postcards (New!) Boy Meets Girl (New!)
10 Words (10 Commandments) Heroes and Villains (Judges)
Rethink (Ephesians) Giant Killers (1 Samuel 17) (New!)
Engage (Esther) Colossians
He Said/ She Said Song of Solomon
The Blessed Life Fuel (2 Timothy)
It’s the End of the World as we Know it (Revelation)
Plus, much more.
Just add the resources you want into the cart and use the coupon code preaching12 at checkout and you’re receive 50% off on these resources.
Simply go to www.ninjaresources.com to get started.
“Preachers, keep on Preaching.” – Stevie Wonder