I think church planters are the oddest bunch of people on the planet. Since I am one, I feel I can speak freely on the subject. One reason is because we see every building as a potential church. I once sat and talked to my wife about how easy it would to turn a Pizza Hut into a church. I hadn’t decided if the salad bar would need to be removed, but I could have worked with it. I originally wanted to start our church in a Kung-Fu studio. I thought it would be awesome. “HIIII! Welcome to Calvary Chapel!” I wasn’t going to be called Pastor. I would be referred to as “Sensei.” The children’s ministry could be called the “Cobra Kai.” It would have been glorious. Peter Cetera could have been the worship leader. I could have taught the book of “Daniel-son.”…Anyway, the point is that church planters have this ability to see potential in places where others don’t. That’s probably why God calls us to go start churches. But I’ve seen a lot of weird places get turned into church facilities. I’ve seen your standard issue schools, hotel ballrooms, libraries, movie theaters, funeral homes, warehouses, and other church facilities. I have a friend starting a church in the basement of a community center (Yes, Freddy Kreuger is planning on attending the service). But the oddest I have ever seen was a bowling alley converted into a church. So mad props to the bowling alley church! That’s just genius. If you know of a stranger location, please let me know. I’d like to know what my options are…