I’ve got an action packed few days in Orlando in a couple of weeks and I am looking forward to it…
– I’m really looking forward to going to the National New Church Conference. I’m not only excited to teach my Portable Church Forum. We’ve got a good group signed up so far, so I’m looking forward to connecting with some church planters. I’m also looking forward to hooking up with some guys that I’ve met over the last couple of years and hearing some great speakers who have a passion for planting new churches.
– Also, I’ll be seeing my mom and my sister while I’m up there which should be fun.
– And I’ll get to hang out with my good buddy Charles, who’s pastoring a great church in O-Town and has started blogging recently. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to teach at his church on the Wednesday I’m up there. It’s an honor to be invited to speak to someone else’s flock. I don’t take it lightly.
– Even though it’s going to be a crazy few days, I think it’s going to be a relaxing time just being out of my normal routine.
– Plus, Carey and I will be able to take Mia to Downtown Disney! You can’t go to Orlando and not go to Ghirardelli’s. That’s just criminal. It’s like going to Southern California and not going to In N’ Out burger.