A Few Thoughts:
– I love Scott’s post about how horrible the word “Neat” is. The word must be destroyed!
– This game is absolutely awesome! It’s the kind of game the cast of The Office would come up with.
– I played bass in our worship band on Sunday night. That was fun. It’s been a while. What’s funny is I talk about being in a band all the time (I had a record deal for crying out loud!) and yet people are still shocked that I know how to play an instrument. (No Milli Vanilli going on here)
– I’m making a prediction that the entire county Perry’s church is in will be attending Newspring by years’ end. That’s the pace anyway! It’s amazing what God’s doing there.
– The Red Sox just committed $51.1 million to negotiate with Japanese Pitching phenom, Daisuke Matsuzaka. This makes me nervous. I hope he turns into Godzilla more than an albatross.
– Someone told me my band’s video was on YouTube. You can watch it here. This is back when I was a young man (22 years old). That was 11 long years ago.
– John Mayer’s got a free concert on DirecTV for those that like good music. If you don’t, MTV is still available.
– Backpack is awesome. I’m using it religiously. It’s organizing all of my work and I’m getting twice as much done in the same amount of time.
– I’m TiVo’ing Star Trek reruns and it’s awesome. I know this takes me down a few notches in coolness. Don’t worry, I don’t own Spock ears, a Captain Kirk uniform, and I don’t speak Klingonese (And yes, I know that I’m still a nerd for knowing what that is).
– My daughter is coming to live on our planet in 12 weeks and a day. That’s 85 days for those who aren’t so good at math. Mia, I’m preparing a place for you…