My wife is giving birth to our 3rd child at the end of this month.
It goes without saying that we’ve been getting out home ready for the arrival of our new daughter.
But imagine another scenario with me.
It sounds almost unbelievable, but it’s true all too often.
A couple knows a baby is coming and they do nothing to prepare for her arrival.
In fact, they’re a little caught off guard by this child showing up in their home.
This is the story of many churches.
They have a big outreach day like Christmas where they preach the Gospel and pray for new believers to be added, but they never take the time to prepare.
So there’s no materials ready.
No follow up strategy.
No process for these new believers to grow.
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Don’t let that be said of your church.
Instead, now is the time to prepare for the new believers God is going to bring to your church.
Over the last 2 years, we’ve seen over 1,500 people make a first time decision to follow Jesus in our services.
We’re no stranger to seeing lots of new believers who need follow up and a strategic process for their spiritual growth.
That’s why we’re making one of our best selling Ninja Resources available with 2 awesome bonuses that will have your church totally ready for the new believers who make first time decisions at Christmas.
It’s our New Believer Follow Up System.
This resource has everything you need to create an effective follow up process in your church.
But this week we’re offering our New Believer’s Class (a $69.95 value) and my Start Here book (a $6.99 value) as FREE bonuses when you invest in our New Believer Follow Up System.
That’s almost $80 in great bonuses you can start using ASAP!
This offer is only good this week.
If you’re interested, push your stroller over to