I’ve been working on a couple of writing projects that I’m really excited about. These are more in-house books that we’re going to use with our church body to help disciple them.
– Watermark: An explanation of Baptism – This is a pamphlet that I’ve written to people who want to be baptized. I want people to have an good understanding of what baptism is and I’m not planning on teaching 4 baptism messages a year. So I wrote this using the Watermark chapter from my Elements book, an introduction, and an FAQ about baptism to give people the information they need in deciding to be baptized.
– Getting Started: First Steps for your Journey – This booklet is for people who come to know Jesus in our services. Most of the books that I’ve seen for those who make a decision to follow Jesus are swamped in theological terms and/or are way too long for a new Christian to read. This is going to be a 15-20 page resource that will help people take their first few steps in their new walk with Jesus. It will have my story, some recommended spiritual habits, and an FAQ section.
I’m excited about these resources because it allows us to say what we want in a way that sounds like us.