“How could a successful Pastor leave his church?”
I’ve been asked this question about 50 times in the last few days.
Over the last year we’ve seen several high profile Pastors leave their church positions to pursue other opportunities.
So people have been asking me my thoughts in the matter.
Here’s my response…
“Every Pastor leaves his church eventually; either by choice or by casket.”
I honestly don’t think a pastor leaving his church is the real issue.
The real question is, what state is the church in to handle his departure?
Great leadership will have reproduced leaders, prepared the congregation, and set forth a succession plan that will allow the church to continue growing long after the Pastor has walked off into the sunset.
So here’s my question to you: are you preparing for your eventual departure? Are you raising up leaders who can move into a staff role if current leaders move on? Are you training leaders for new opportunities that arise in a developing church?
If not, you’re in a very unhealthy situation my friend.
It’s time to get down and dirty and do some leadership development and raise up that next generation of staff, elders, ministry leaders, and high capacity volunteers.
In fact, in 2 weeks I’m launching a brand new coaching network geared exclusively for Pastors who want to build a leadership development system in their churches. (I’ve got 8 spots left, so time is of the essence.)
If you’re interested, put on your work boots and head over to www.ninjaleadership.com
By the way, the greatest heroes in my book are Pastors who spend a lifetime serving their congregation faithfully and never stop reaching their community.
There should be a special reward in heaven for those guys… oh, that’s right, there is (1 Peter 5:4) 🙂
Carry on Preachers! You’re doing a great work!