Listening to Theorists is as Dangerous as Smoking

Bob FranquizLeadership

I attended a conference this year and one of the speakers was waxing wise about systems of leadership development and discipleship. 

It sounded pretty good until someone asked him a question about his experience implementing these ideas. The dude turned white as a ghost. 

That’s when we all found out the news. It.was.all.theory. 100% of it. 

I fear for the Pastor who implements his ideas in their church. It could seriously hurt his church. 

That’s why I think books by theorists need to have a “Surgeon General” type warning as though you were buying a pack of smokes. 

If you know anything about me, you know that I have little room in my life for theorists who want to cook up ways for us practitioners to do ministry in the real world.

That’s why when I surveyed the Church Strategies tribe and you all said that your biggest need right now was in the areas of leadership development and discipleship, I had to do something practical, nuts and bolts, and battle tested. 

That’s why I’m teaching a FREE webinar today and tomorrow (September 13th and 14th) at 2PM EST called, “Creating a Leadership Pipeline”. 

We’re going to be talking about real world, reality leadership and how to build a leadership development system in your church that trains leaders at all levels. 

If you’re looking for theory, this isn’t the place for you. 

If you’re looking for a leadership process that works from someone who has actually done it, then you’re in the right place. 

So if you want to participate, grab your hard hat and click here.