Today at 1PM EST, 9 leading Pastors will be giving you the practical, nuts and bolts tools you need to double your church this Easter!
Listen to these pastors sharing what they’re learned through leading their churches…
– Troy Gramling talk about using creative elements to fill your services
– Mark Batterson talk about believing God for big things
– Bob Coy talk about pulpit evangelism to see more decisions
– David Hughes turning your church in to an army of inviters
– Casey Graham talk about raising money for outreach
– Bob Franquiz (me) talk about how to reach the 3 types of people in your community
– Nelson Searcy talk about servant evangelism
– Shawn Lovejoy talk about mobilizing your congregation
– Eric Geiger talk about the one thing you need to get people to come back
This is going to be an amazing event and the best part is…
It’s totally FREE.
But you need to act quickly if you want to participate.
Put on your P.F. Flyers and head over to
See you at 1PM (Eastern Time)!