Keep More First Time Guests!

Bob FranquizGeneral


It's a new year and that means a lot of people are going to be "checking out" church for the first time.  The question is, "Are you ready for them?"  

If you're looking to gain some insight and learn some new skills for keeping first time guests and helping them take next steps in their faith, then I want to invite you to the Fusion seminar I'm leading in Orlando on February 22 from 9AM-Noon. 

What will you learn? How about: 

– The principles to help you create an inviting environment for first-time guests 

– How to ''wow'' first-time guests into wanting to come back 
– A complete ''Assimilation System,'' used to follow up with first-time guests who attend each week
– How to close the "Back door" of your church

– Plus much more! 

You can click here to get more information or register for the seminar.  

I hope to see you there!